CEC 112-M Team 3 Wind Turbine Project

Ryan Jaruseski, Jake Lawton, Alex Limoco

Project Description

This project follows teams 3 research and testing of the ideal conditions for a wind turbine.

Blade Material Investigation

In order to determine the ideal material for the wind turbine's blades, the team tested multiple different blades with the same setup. Each test kept the angle of the blade, distance from the fan, and number of blades consistent. The materials that were tested were:

Project Conclusions to Date

This list includes the conclusions that the team has come to so far

Below will be portions of the experiments used to come to the team's conclusions.

Taking the blade angle

This is a picture of how the angle of the blades is determined

Stability stick attatched to wind turbine

The team experimented with the addition of a stability stick to stabilize the wind turbine and increase effeciency. This did not help so the idea was scrapped.